Since 2007, Dr. Singer has been in private practice specializing in the comprehensive neuropsychological, cognitive, educational and psychological assessment of children, adolescents and young adults. Previously, Dr. Singer worked in the Psychological Testing department at Four Winds Hospital (Katonah) and provided both testing and therapy services at various hospitals and outpatient clinics, including Mt. Sinai Hospital and North Shore University Hospital. Her research during the early part of her career focused on medication noncompliance in adolescents, and her findings in this area were presented at numerous conferences and published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.

Dr. Singer received her undergraduate degree with honors from Cornell University and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She completed her internship at New York University-Bellevue Hospital.  Dr. Singer has taught classes at both Cornell University and Fairleigh Dickinson University, and continues to expand her own education by attending workshops and webinars on child and adolescent assessment. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the New York State Psychological Association and the Westchester County Psychological Association.

On a personal note, Dr. Singer and her husband are empty nesters living in Westchester County. Their young adult daughters are currently in college. Dr. Singer serves on the the Dean’s Advisory Council of the Cornell University College of Human Ecology as well as the Board of Trustees of her synagogue. In her free time, Dr. Singer enjoys hiking with her Black Lab and German Shepherd, cooking, exercising, reading, playing mah jongg and taking active and adventurous vacations with her family and friends.